Jan 3, 2022

Trying to earn MYST crypto with my unused bandwidth, but...

Warning: There is absolutely no financial advice on this or on any other pages of this blog.

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Monday, 17 January 2022

Dashboard Overview

The screen below will give you the insights about how your node is being used.
My 1.10MYST earning took me 10 days, at the time of this writing, it worth around 50cents USD.

Dashboard Overview

The earning is fairly slow, and don't forget there is a 20% fee before you can cash out (the settle button) your MYST.
20% blockchain fee

If 10MYST earned, we only get a clean 8MYST profit, but earning just 1 MYST is quite hard already, because you don't often get active session frequently.
The earning is slow, plus the 20% blockchain fee, I have the feeling not much node hoster has positive impression about this "profit".

But from a Mysterium Network dVPN consumer's point of view, this is a very cheap choice! 
Using its dVPN service for 24/7 without heavy traffic, and stay active for a non-stop year could possibly cost only 10MYST which is less than USD5

If the VPN security and stability result turns out great, we may no longer need to consider other high reputation and highly priced VPN service provider.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

After few days of waiting, my node is up and running now. I did file a report to Mysterium customer support, and this is what I received! Not instant, but at least I now acknowledged it's the surge of registration which need more time to process before my node is successfully accepted.

My suggestion: A better error message in the UI may help user to be more patient with this similar kind of issue.

MYST, Mysterium Network

MYST is a coin by mysterium. network, but after researching around and trying running a node with my extra raspberry pi through their interactive tutorials. Here is what I found.

To run a node, you need to follow their steps and reach the point where you can access the Node UI.

Unfortunately, the screenshot below is the furthest I could get to, and it left me not knowing how to continue. And it's the first screen you can see after the NodeUI password setup.

Node Identity Registration Failed

No one mentioned this before I try to set up the node UI, and I'm stuck here and just a few steps left before I can see the result.

So I spent USD1 and purchased 2 MYST coins, and I thought it can fix my failed registration. It isn't how it works, so after I purchased the MYST and deposited it successfully into my MYST wallet which it's linked to this NodeUI. I'm still getting the registration failed as before.

First MYST deposit before the registration

So, I'm stuck on the first screen...

I've spent USD1 for 2.17 MYST, but I couldn't proceed further after the money has been spent.

But I can see my node status is online and working now on mystnodes.com/nodes.

The picture above, it shows my node is up and running, but I couldn't proceed with the node registration and no clear instruction for me to troubleshoot the problem. hmm... obvious UX flaw that needs to be properly handled.

Side pieces of information

If you have some experience with setting up the Tor node, then the concept of this mysterium.network node is similar to Tor's exit node.

What that means is, if you are running your node/sharing your internet bandwidth as an exit node, then there are risks where the unknown user who uses your internet bandwidth may use "your internet" in an unlawful manner.

If you are an internet service owner from a country where authorities follow very closely user's internet activity, then you may risk being charged for the unlawful things that are carried out using your internet bandwidth, because running node as an exit node, you risk scapegoated for bad intended mysterium network P2P VPN user.

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