Nov 18, 2021

Create a bootable USB stick with Mac to install Debian

UPDATE: Tuesday, 22 February 2022

I discovered an alternative open-source and safe tool we can use to do the same "burning" (flashing) action, no complex and scary commands code is needed to do this. Plus, this software is available on almost any platform.

It's always better and safer to download the tool directly from its official website:

There is a Debian installation tutorial page from the official website. Users can follow this guide to make a bootable USB stick (only if you are creating one with Linux OS). 

If you are a Mac user, the tutorial isn't suitable for you.
  1. Download installer image from
  2. Run diskutil list to list the available disk (identify your USB stick disk code)
  3. unmount your plugged-in USB stick
  4. run diskutils unmountDisk /dev/diskX
  5. sudo dd if=~/Downloads/debian.iso of=/dev/diskX bs=1m

Be careful with step 4! This step will wipe out all the content inside your USB stick!

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