Jul 24, 2021

Folding@Home - Contribute idle computer processing power to science research


What is Folding at Home (or in shortform, fah)

It is a project that allow user to contribute their processing power during computer is in idle status. The contributed processing power will be used by fah program to help scientist finding cure for deceases, and processing power donor would get some compensation in return in crypto form (different options available too).

If you don't have any GPU, CPU alone is enough to get you started with the folding.

Kalium Wallet
What do you get in return?

Yes, contributing idle processing power will still consume electricity, contributor might think about getting compensated for the power consumption at home.

And here's the example of compensation I received so far. Meanwhile, I'm not into contributing to earn, that's not my purpose, and so shouldn't you. Otherwise, you'll be hunted by annoying inner voice which get you keep checking at the compensation figure every single day or worse every single hour.

Banano & Kalium Wallet

In the picture at the right, the transactions list is what I've received from contributing to FAH as a Banano team. 

How to do it?

  1. Get an address (a long text that as your ID) from any listed wallet on https://kalium.banano.cc/ (I picked kalium)
  2. visit bananominer site to get started with your address.
  3. enter required info into https://client.foldingathome.org/ (after FAH installation is completed)
  4. setup a passkey that let F@H know that the contribution is from you, this will earn you more bonus (they claim so, but i haven't able to check how much more bonus you'll get with passkey attached).

Lastly, I've seen topic about getting payout in dogecoin, but I haven't manage to find any reliable guide to try with. So I think it's still best to stick with banano team, as it's been number 1 ranked team until these days at the time of this writing.

Banano Team, the number 1 FAH contributor

To learn about available projects and the stats of their servers which you'll be contribute your processing power, please find the useful links below:

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