Sep 7, 2017

Access raspberry remotely without password

Solution is simple, just 3 steps are required:

On your local machine (which you will access your remote server from)
1. Run:
ssh-keygen (and the following configurations are guided)
2. Configure your config file (~/.ssh/config) with your created public key directory location, for example:
Host # your rpi ip address
HostName # your rpi ip address
User pi
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/yourkey
3. After done creating public key, copy your public key file content
Example content of public key file
You can copy your public key content with:
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy (for mac OS)

On raspberry pi (remote server)
3. Paste the copied content from step 2 into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (it is the directory by default) or append to the file if existing content available.

Learning source: How to set up ssh so you aren't asked for a password

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