Aug 27, 2015

URL Scheme for Android in Cordova

My project's spec:
- Onsen UI
- Cordova

Simply following the step in Custom URL scheme PhoneGap Plugin would get your android or ios app ready with custom URL scheme.

But testing it the wrong way cause my hours to figure what is wrong with my configuration.

So, in the end, I found out testing URL scheme in android is different with how we test in ios.

In ios device,  ipod as example,
we just simply use browser with "myapp://" would do all job.

Which it is different in android,
so you'll have to utilise to initiate the scheme correctly,
because in android, it automatically prefix url with "http://" in browsers.

You can refer to this Using Custom URL Schemes In Your Ionic Framework App and see how he tested the scheme in the easy way.

github repo: Custom URL scheme PhoneGap Plugin
video tutorial: Using Custom URL Schemes In Your Ionic Framework App
testing tool for android:

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